I love travelling, adventure and exploring new things and places, and of course, co-creating with others. LIFE IS BLISS, and I want to share it with the world. I want everyone to find their happiness and make the most out of this magical time here on earth. It is a gift and that is why I wrote my books, to maybe inspire you, to find your happiness no matter what.
You might wonder who “Pucki Metzger” is, and how she got into writing.
Well, my life's journey started in the beautiful Namibia, where I had many exiting adventures.
Currently, I am living in Frankfurt, Germany, and who knows where life takes me next...

- Optician
- Spiritual Hypnosis Coach
- Yoga Teacher 200 H With Additional Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification
- Shiatsu
- Matrix Healing
- Quantum Healing
- Reiki Master & Teacher
- Yoga Teacher Trainer 400 H
- NLP Basic
- Holistic Coaching

What is your story, how did you become an author?
My Story About How Thoughts Created Two Books" It was an ordinary December morning, just like any other in 2019. I was taking a shower as a thought sparked its way into my head. It lit me up like a light bulb, and that is how I got to write this book. Over the following three days, in about 15 hours, it was finished what started as one simple thought. I never imagined I would write a book, but it just felt as if the words wrote themselves. I put it aside as I did not believe it was worth pursuing.

Then, as I was lost in time with other things to do, a friend told me that he was about to self-publish his work. By now, it was February. Suddenly that over exiting sparkling thought came to me once more. This time more clear. That night, I knew it’s now or never. I overworked the script and got it proofread; cover designed, and formatted until it was a finished Book. The feeling was incredible to create something out of nothing. But I then had a weird feeling about publishing it, so I left it behind once more. As crazy as this might sound but on a normal April morning, like any other, a thought struck me oddly again in the shower, but this time like lightning. Crystal clear.
Once more, I sat down, and in 18 hours over three days I finished my second book, which became the first book that I actually published in July 2020. Back then, it was all confusing, but it did feel right. Then in September 2020, as I worked on the German translation of “ROLLER COASTERS & BLISS”, strangely, the word “insight” showed up. I then decided to published my first written book, “INSIGHTS & THOUGHTS” which actually became my second one published as if it was meant to be like this.

After that I was distracted with other things, for instance, getting my business plan going. One day I was watching a seminar, and she talked about “past life regressions”. I don't know why, but that night in my meditation all of a sudden I got the impulse for “Sinya & Arrow”, my third book. The next day, I sat down. This time it took me 5 days to write it down, as I re-listened to my recordings, to get everything right.
My “Past Life Regression” experience had such a deep impact on my life. From healing, all the way to finding my true passion. It was a really great way to realize, what we are capable of and how great our body is. I know the books will not speak to everyone, but I believe they were not just given to me by accident. We all have sparks that come to us. So grab them and bring them to life because they can create magic just like you. There is more to life than what meets the eye. Listen to your inner voice and guidance. You never know where it might take you, but for me, it was an exciting journey just as much as it was an incredible life’s lesson. And I know, it is only the beginning
With lots of love.
What was your most exiting adventure that you experienced?
This was really the craziest thing I have ever done.
February 2021 I went to visit a friend in Tenerife. It is breathtaking beautiful there.
While I was staying there, we went on several hikes and to different beaches, really stunning.
Then, another friend, from Germany, whom I have helped save his marriage, gifted me with a paragliding tandem jump.
They picked me up, and then we drove up the mountain. Then the guide prepared everything. I was fastened and then instructed, and I recalled, to just keep on running, even when we are in the air, till he says I can sit down.
So when he was ready and said go, I ran as quickly as I could, and then we took off, and I kept running. 3 or 4 steps actually were then once more on the ground, but then we took of into the blue, over a blanket of clouds. It was awesome, and crazy, and fun, and breathtaking, all at the same time.
And if I am completely honest, it was even more exhilarating than a “Roller Coaster Ride”.